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Rosé & Rose Goals

Writer: alexispjordanalexispjordan

& As we enter this new season, let’s see how we rose from the past…

Photography by Debonair Visuals

Can you believe we’re already nearing the end of June? Not too long ago I was planning my decor for my NYE brunch, and now we’re nearly half the year in. Which means I have half a year to review those NYE resolutions, half a year to reflect on where I’ve come from, and half a year to determine where I still want to go.

This June is especially significant because we’re in the last June prior to the next decade. 2020 is literally just six months away. Realizing this in connection to all of the things you’ve set out to accomplish in the year can bring on one of two things: it could cause you to wither, realizing there is no way your goals can be met, or could cause you to flourish, and encourage yourself to get (clap) it (clap) done (clap clap clap)! 2019 is going to end with a shift, and I am speaking life into and working toward a favorable one. Our church says 2019 is the year of Birthing, Bringing Forth, and Breakthroughs, and I have already experienced so much in the last six months to provide truth in that. My personal and work relationships are thriving, and I’m fortunate to enjoy all of the people I allow into my life. My career and my business are growing, I’ve had my name in rooms I couldn’t imagine they’d even know who I was, let alone singing my praises about my work ethic. My brand release was the biggest breakthrough for me personally since I’ve been working on this idea for over 2 and a half years. All things are working for my good and are in my favor. And as amazing as the growth has been and as much as I want to sit back and enjoy it, there is still so much that I want to accomplish in the remaining months of this year. Of course I’m going to enjoy the fruits of my labor, but I cannot get comfortable; There is still so much more work to do. I cannot remain dormant in my growth despite the challenges that come my way. If I want the work done, I have to do the work.

In the spirit of National Rose Month, and after an amazing National Rose’ Day (June 8th this year!), why wouldn’t I encourage myself to check in on my current status and see what issues I rose above, what challenges I rose from, which occasions I rose to?

We are in a new season, and just as the roses have bloomed in their time, I’m ready to bloom in my time as well. Rose buds that refuse to bloom, while still beautiful, can actually be detrimental to the life of that rose. My goal is to be a complete woman in all avenues of my life, and I owe it to myself to bloom into the complete woman that I see myself becoming.

This June (and the remainder of 2019), I want to strive toward being the complete woman, Christian, sister, partner, friend, entrepreneur, etc. etc. etc. Once I establish who and what I want to become, it is up to me to be that and represent myself as nothing less. “Visualize your highest self, then, start showing up as her” - Unknown. I don’t have to wait until things are “just right” to work to get things “just right” for me. The idea of staying still while the time is going to continue to pass anyway would be a disservice to myself and my future selves. This time next year, this time six months from now, this time a month from now, I want to be able to say I’ve risen from, risen above, and risen to so much. I see business ventures, relationships, partnerships, opportunities, assets both tangible and intangible, coming my way, all because I’ve done the work to deserve it.

I want to use prayer as my first line of defense. Anxiety and fear cannot live in the same place as faith and trust. I am capable, I will win, I will be successful in all that I do.

I want to work for the body and mind I yearn for. I want to build my muscles not only physically, but spiritually, emotionally, mentally. I want to truly be unbothered and comforted in knowing that I’m covered and capable of any vision God has instilled in me.

I want to heal from past trauma. I know that I am not where I’ve come from. As Lupita Nyong’o states “No matter where you are from, your dreams are still valid”. A rose in a garden and a rose that grew from concrete are still both roses that have grown despite their past or their circumstances.

I want to give myself more reasons to be proud of me. Of course it’s nice to hear from loved ones, but that gratification hits differently when you’re the one who’s proud of yourself.

I know what I need to do, and now it’s time to act.

I’ve compiled a dozen rose goals that I personally plan to accomplish over the next six months of the year, some are more easily attainable and some are more challenging but rewarding. In the spirit of rising, I want to share this experience and not only encourage but be encouraged by others’ growth as well. I’m utilizing a three-step approach to achieving my goals, and asking 1. What do I want to do? 2. How do I plan to do it? and 3. How do I plan to stay on track and keep working toward my goals?

Step 1: What do I want to do?

Make a list of all items that you want to accomplish. Write it out, see it, speak life into it. As stated by Dr. Karamo Chilombo, better known by his stage name Dr. Chill, ”If you talk to your plants, they will talk to you”. Encourage growth even in the things that you wouldn’t believe can be affected. Your goals are capable of being achieved, and you should utilize the SMART methodology in establishing your goals.

Specific: Only goals that are defined can be accomplished. A blanket statement of “I want to get fit” isn’t going to bring forth specific results, but “I want to get my body mass index (BMI) to 24%” identifies exactly what you want to accomplish and serves as a step to identify what needs to be done to get there.

Measurable: The progress will determine how far you are in your goals. “I want to increase engagement with my business profile by 20%” can be tracked to see how well you are doing in reaching that goal, what’s worked to get closer to that goal, and how far you are from it.

Attainable: A goal has to be achievable, and you are capable of so much, but you want to create goals that are actually realistic. “I want to own a million-dollar listing” may not be attainable on your current salary, but “I want to own a condo in the city” may better work with your budget so that you can afford that mortgage, the HOA fees, and to still be able to eat.

Relevant: No one wants to be discouraged from their dreams, but does it actually make sense in your life? Do I have the time, resources, and communication skills I need to handle both the PR and the inner workings of my business, or would it be better to outsource where I can in the areas I’m not passionate about? Should I be looking for a promotion right after being hired, or is it best to learn my role and fully understand to improve the current processes? Can I carry the workload of work, personal, and home while taking on this additional project that needs someone hands on? If it doesn’t make sense, don’t burden yourself with a goal that is irrelevant to what you truly want to accomplish.

Time-Based: “A goal is a dream with a deadline” - Unknown. Deadlines have a way of pushing you forward to get things done. Remember in school when that project assigned wasn’t due until the end of the semester, and next thing you know the semester ends tomorrow? Or when you only have 21 days to return something for your full money back, and you realize you’re 20 days in? & I have never seen one of my friends more motivated to lose weight than when she was sweating for the wedding. You get motivated quickly when there are time constraints on what you need to do.

Step 2: How do I plan to do what I want to do?

Develop a plan to reach these goals. Establish the steps, and start moving. Stop worrying about the challenges and know that you will accomplish them if they do arise. Once you start, everything else will follow as long as you maintain your stamina and keep going. Are there any prerequisites necessary before I sign up for this program? Who do I need to contact to set up a meeting for this project? How can I improve my credit in order to proceed with obtaining a loan? Determine what needs to be done, get a list going, and start checking these items off as they are completed to bring you closer to achieving your goals.

Step 3: How do I plan to stay on track and keep working toward my goals?

Ensure accountability. Sometimes self motivation is enough and you can be strong enough to stay on the right path, but you may need help from outside sources to ensure you do. Sometimes hiring a personal trainer is the only way to make sure you’re getting that workout done. Fasting with someone who will hold you accountable when you’re craving a cheesesteak and you’re only supposed to have fruits and veggies can prove to be what keeps you in line. If people are going to assist in holding you to what you say you are going to do, confirm that they are as strong as you need them to be. I enjoy apps like “Done” where I can check off my progress based on goals established by me, and see my “streak” of how often these things have been accomplished. You can see how frequent or infrequent specific behaviors occur. Build those habits that may take 21 days or 90 days of repetition before they become second nature. Affirmations and mantras often serve as my accountability to provide additional support in times I get wary too. I have to remember that I am covered, I am capable, and I will conquer all goals I have set out to accomplish. As stated in Nehemiah 6:3, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down”. You have got this!

I am no longer taking screen shots of memes about growth and not acting on what inspires me. I can be all of the “sis”’s I’ve seen and then some. I am giving myself more reasons to be proud of me. There is no limit to what I can do. This time next year, I will say that I rose above it all, and I encourage all of you to declare the same for your own lives. You have more power than you thought, young lady, now it’s time for you to own it.


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